Creating Your Dreams | Follicular Phase Energy

Oooou the flowy energy of the follicular phase! Think gorgeous flowers blooming, the revitalizing essence of the glowing sun, a spark of passion, intoxicating inspiration.

The energy of our follicular phase holds the perfect space for us to plant seeds for the cycle ahead. We are in this energy of newness and renewal and are able to start with a clean slate. Our energy is building up and our creativity is flowing. It is the flower blooming and unfolding. It is the awakening after we journeyed to our depths and let go of the layers that are no longer serving us. It’s a fresh start. 

The follicular phase is our inner spring and offers us the chance to rebirth and start new each cycle. This comes after our inner winter when we bleed and release all that is no longer serving us, allowing us to step into the renewed version of ourselves. This is the joy of being a woman – being able to begin fresh again every ~28 days. It is such a gift to have the ability to move through these phases and flow into all that is meant for us and all that we desire. 

I personally use my follicular phase as a time to set intentions and plant seeds for my upcoming cycle. Are there any projects I want to complete during this cycle? Do I have any health or wellness goals I want to achieve? While it is a time to plant seeds for the upcoming cycle, you can also set longer term intentions during this time. The point is, this is an energetic time of creation and calling things into existence where they will later be harvested. 

This is a time of heightened creativity and you will feel the pull to begin new endeavors. Our creativity is our superpower and we are meant to create. Utilize this increase in energy by creating in whatever ways you feel called. If you have been wanting to begin a new creative project or craft something up, this is a great time to explore the things that excite you. If you are a business owner and have an idea you want to bring into existence, this is the time to get the ball rolling! The world is quite literally your oyster. 

And remember, the work needs to be done in the energetic space just as much as the physical. Working with our cycle is not only a physical practice but a highly energetic and spiritual practice. Making time for yourself to tune in and energetically set these intentions is just as important as taking physical action which is why I’ve created a guided meditation to utilize the creative energy of your follicular phase to plant seeds for the cycle ahead. This meditation is intended to move you through an energetic practice of planting seeds and sending them to the universe so you can co-create your dreams.


The Magic Of Your Sacred Cycles


Living in Alignment With The Magic Within