Once you realize the power you hold to make your dreams a reality, you become unstoppable.

My Story

Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve had bigger-than-life dreams but I had a hard time believing I was worthy of them. These beliefs stemmed from the trauma and hardship I experienced as a child and continued into my adult life, and much of this has been processed through connecting back to my spirit. 

During one of the lowest chapters of my life where I silently dealt with depression and engaged in self-sabotaging behaviors, I was in a bad car accident. A year into treatment, I began to experience nudges from the ‘unseen’ and gained a deep remembrance within me. Having these spiritual encounters reminded me of experiences that I had earlier in life but had pushed away, and I finally felt ready to explore them.

I began working with healers and psychics who helped me to uncover my innate gifts and connect back to my intuition. Through this process, I began to notice the impacts of their medicine not only on my physical body but also with my emotions and mental state. I began to alchemize my pain.

Awakening to my intuition allowed me to come home to my body and truly sit with everything – the emotions, the pain. It allowed me to develop a deeper connection with my body that led me to the decision of ditching birth control. I had no reason to, other than the fact that my intuition told me to. The thing about your intuition is that it will always guide you toward your highest path, but the journey isn’t always easy. 

Within a few months I developed an array of symptoms that left me on a wild chase for a diagnosis, but no doctor could figure it out. About a year later, I met a doctor who trusted what I was sharing about my pain and was willing to do surgery, and a few months later he successfully removed what was endometriosis. My physical body was free of it though my energetic body was still holding onto trauma associated with it. 

This led me through a transformative feminine healing journey. I deepened my connection to my body and spirit. I opened myself up to more abundance and joy. I allowed myself to express my creativity. I gave myself permission to become exactly who I wanted to be and listened to myself above all else. 

Coming home to my spirituality and divine femininity has opened me up to an entirely new world for myself. Not only do I feel so empowered, but most importantly, I feel liberated. The feeling of freedom is a natural desire of the divine feminine, so if you crave freedom and liberation, you’ve landed here for a reason. 

As an intuitive artist and psychic medium, I guide women to their most authentic timeline, activating the hidden gifts and potential that lie within. Through my deep connection with spirit, I offer guidance from the ethers to walk with you on your journey back to yourself. 

I am a self-taught intuitive artist who channels through art. I create imagery that is meant to resonate with your soul and spark a deep remembrance. I discovered this gift during a breathwork ceremony and I knew that my art needed to be shared with the world. This is something that little me is jumping up and down for!

I am so grateful to have you all on this journey with me.