The Magic Of Your Sacred Cycles

Would you believe me if I told you that you were magic embodied?

We as women hold the portal to infinite realities within our womb. We are magical beings that can birth anything into existence. We just have to learn how to harness our own unique magic.

I’m here to help you learn about and access the magic that lies within you. One of the most impactful and simplest ways to do this is to work with your menstrual cycle by finding out what moon phase it syncs up with. 

The moon moves through a 29 day cycle just as women do, but of course our cycle length can vary due to numerous factors within our environment. We as women are directly connected with the moon cycles and I don’t know what is more magical than that! 

Historically, women would come together during their bleed to celebrate the gift that it is. They would hold rituals, and in some cultures would go off to a red tent to bleed together and hold space for themselves and the other women around them. 

Over time, society began to shame women for their bleed causing us to ignore the significant wisdom that it holds. Our menstrual phase is a time of deep shedding and release, both physically and energetically. It’s a time to go within and rest, allowing all the limiting beliefs, old programming, and anything else that needs to go, GO. During this phase, shadows are revealed and are being asked to be alchemized for your highest good. 

This is a VERY powerful time in a woman’s cycle and most certainly should not be ignored. 

The moon phase that your bleed syncs up with says a lot about the chapter of life you are in. There are four different moon cycles that a woman could be in, explained in a little more detail below. You can read more in depth about each cycle in my free digital guide and learn how to track which cycle you are in. 

White Moon Cycle: Bleeds with the new moon. This is the most common cycle and is typically associated with women who are in a nurturing phase of life, whether that be nurturing their children or family, or simply just themself. 

Pink Moon Cycle: Bleeds with the waxing moon. Women in this cycle are moving from a time of reflection to expansion. It’s a time of exploration, learning, and building up to something bigger. 

Red Moon Cycle: Bleeds with the full moon. These are historically known as the oracles, priestesses, and healers. The energy of a woman in this cycle is more outwardly focused, helping her community. 

Purple Moon Cycle: Bleeds with the waning moon. Women in this cycle are moving into a more reflective state, bringing them into a quieter time in their life. It is a time that things may be coming to an end so they can begin anew. 

Each cycle holds a unique energy and serves as a guide for your current journey. Once learning about which cycle you are in, you might begin to realize that there are a lot of things that make sense when it comes to the pace of your life, how things are going, and how you are feeling. 

In my free digital guide I offer guidance around what you should be doing when you are bleeding in order to expand with the energy your body is synced up with. Also included are simple yet effective rituals and activities you should focus on depending on what cycle you are in. 

Tapping into this magical energy has allowed me to open up portals of infinite possibility within my life as well as allowed me to come into deeper alignment with my body and soul. Each time I honor my body, I come into closer connection with my intuition. It is truly a gift that we as women get to experience this magic!


Creating Your Dreams | Follicular Phase Energy