Living in Alignment With The Magic Within

What if tapping into your body’s innate wisdom allowed you to unlock the portals to your biggest dreams?

What if the key to your happiness, success, and alignment was already within you, waiting to be discovered?

What if you could use your body’s natural cycles to manifest the world of your dreams?

We as women are awakening to the wisdom that lies within our womb and our menstrual cycle. So many of us, and the women that came before us, have been shamed about the natural rhythms of our body. We’ve been taught to keep quiet about it and continue through life suppressing the way that we long to live. We have not received the education and knowledge that we so badly need, or the support to live in the ways we so deeply desire. 

Our womb is a portal that creates; A space that sheds pain, trauma, and past experiences so that we can begin fresh again. When we begin to tap into the energy that lies within our womb and the hormonal shifts and cycles we go through, we unlock a new sense of magic within. Working in alignment with these phases allows us to flow through life. It allows us to do things our way and in a way that feels good to our body, not the way that society tells us to. 

And when we begin to live our lives from the space of truly listening to our body and connecting with her innate wisdom above all else, we are able to tap into that magnetic, magical space that allows us to create anything we so desire. 

Having a basic understanding of how the female hormonal cycle works is an integral first step, but learning how to tune in and listen to what your body is telling you throughout each phase is so vital. We all experience these shifts in hormones but the way that we experience it energetically can vary. We each hold a unique purpose waiting to be uncovered through our womb. Allowing your body to speak to you and help you move through whatever you are experiencing is so incredibly powerful.

When we tap into this healing energy we unlock different pieces of ourselves. We are able to transmute our pain and create with it. We are able to get to know ourselves and those that came before us on a much deeper level and alchemize whatever is standing between us and our wildest dreams. It brings us closer and closer to our highest timeline, and things truly do get so good. We are able to befriend the darkness that exists within us and expand into our most authentic expression. 

Each phase of our cycle holds unique wisdom that is asking to be tapped into. Our menstrual cycle is a portal to manifesting our deepest desires and each phase holds a unique key to the process. 

Our follicular phase is where our energy is beginning to rise. It is our inner spring. We are planting the seeds we wish to grow in this cycle within our follicular phase. Our creativity is increasing which allows us to work on projects that are near and dear to our self expression. We are warming up in this phase and beginning to gain momentum and motivation. It’s a fresh start to a new cycle. 

Ovulation is where we can tap into our greatest magnetism to attract our juiciest dreams and desires toward us. It is the peak of our energy and we feel confident in expressing it. We are wildly creative and open to the miracles that surround us. This is our inner summer. We are expansive and bright during this phase – it is an incredible time to set intention and manifest. We are open and ready to receive. 

Our inner autumn, or our luteal phase is our longest phase and oftentimes the most dreaded for those that deal with PMS or PMDD symptoms. This is our harvest phase. Where we are able to reflect and take a look at what went well and what needs to improve in the next cycle. It is a time of deep thinking and insight. We can learn so much from this phase, especially when examining the symptoms of PMS or PMDD. Oftentimes we are faced with heavy emotions during this phase – there is purpose in that. 

The menstrual phase, our inner winter, is a time of great release and transmutation. This is where we are confronted with our darkness and learn that it is an integral piece of us. This phase leads us through profound transformation and allows us to shed everything that is not meant to come with us into this next cycle. We release for not only ourselves, but those around us. 

If you’re ready to unlock the innate magnetism within your body’s natural rhythms by tapping into the magic that lies within each phase of your cycle, my Energetic Cycle Syncing Guide is intended to walk you through this path of deepening your connection to the wisdom that lies within. Join the waitlist here to be notified of when the guide goes live & receive a special discount + a free energetic healing meditation for menstrual pain! I cannot wait to see the magic you uncover.

If you have any women in your life that you feel might benefit from this, I ask that you share it as this is knowledge that we are all so deserving of having.

With love,

Amanda Nicole


Creating Your Dreams | Follicular Phase Energy